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78 - [Oracle 19C] Basic information of Tablespace Table Space SYSTEM tablespace Used for core functionality. Stores the data dictionary ( belong to sys schema). Oracle create system tablespace automatically when the database is created. you cannot rename or drop the SYSTEM tablespace. SYSAUX tablespace The SYSAUX tablespace is an auxiliary tablespace to the SYSTEM tablespace. It reduces the load on the SYSTEM tablespace. Oracle create it automa..
77 - [Oracle 19C] Password verification - example Login as sysdba - sqlplus / as sysdba SHOW CON_NAME /* CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT */ select OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, CREATED, status from dba_objects where object_name like '%VERIFY%' AND OBJECT_TYPE='FUNCTION'; /* OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE CREATED STATUS ---------- ------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ------- SYS ORA12C_VERIFY_FUNCTION..
76 - [Oracle 19C] Resource Parameters Resource Parameters Resource Parameters • In a profile, you can control: ° CPU resources - may be limited on a per-session or per-call basis ° Network and memory resources - you can specify the following: ° Connect time ° Idle time ° Concurrent sessions ° Private SGA ° Disk I/O resources - limit the amount of data a user can read at the per-session level or per-call level • Profiles cannot impos..
75 - [Oracle 19C] Oracle - Password Verification Functions Oracle-Supplied Password Verification Functions Oracle-Supplied Password Verification Functions • Complexity verification checks that each password is complex enough to provide reasonable protection against intruders who try to break into the system by guessing passwords. • You can create your own password verification functions. • Oracle Database provides the following functions that you can cr..
74 - [Oracle 19C] Password Parameters Password Parameters 1. Account locking Account locking enables automatic locking of accounts for a set duration when users fail to log in to the system in the specified number of attempts or when accounts sit inactive for a pre-defined number of days (meaning, users have not attempted to log in to their accounts). We can configure the following parameters • FAILED _LOGIN ATTEMPTS specifies the n..
73 - [Oracle 19C] User profile User Profile • a user profile is a named set of resource limits and password parameters that restrict database usage and database instance resources for a user. • If you assign a profile to a user, then that user can not exceed those limits. • Every user , including the administrators is assigned to only one profile. • By default when you crate a user, it will be assigned to default profile, unl..
72 - [Oracle 19C] System privileges with admin option. Login as sysdba -- system privileges with admin option. SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT SQL> alter session set container=orclpdb; Session altered. SQL> create user test20 identified by test20; User created. SQL> grant connect to test20 with admin option; Grant succeeded. Login as test20 SQL> conn test20/test20@orclpdb Connected. SQL> show user USER is "TEST20"..
71 - [Oracle 19C] Role granted another role # Login as sysdba show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT show user USER is "SYS" alter session set container=orclpdb Session altered. show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ ORCLPDB # Create role SQL> create role master_role; Role MASTER_ROLE created. SQL> grant create session to master_role; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create table to master_role; Grant suc..