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72 - [Oracle 19C] System privileges with admin option. Login as sysdba -- system privileges with admin option. SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT SQL> alter session set container=orclpdb; Session altered. SQL> create user test20 identified by test20; User created. SQL> grant connect to test20 with admin option; Grant succeeded. Login as test20 SQL> conn test20/test20@orclpdb Connected. SQL> show user USER is "TEST20"..
71 - [Oracle 19C] Role granted another role # Login as sysdba show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT show user USER is "SYS" alter session set container=orclpdb Session altered. show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ ORCLPDB # Create role SQL> create role master_role; Role MASTER_ROLE created. SQL> grant create session to master_role; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create table to master_role; Grant suc..
70 - [Oracle 19C] to Create pluggable admin Login as sysdba SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT SQL> show user USER is "SYS" SQL> alter session set container=orclpdb; Session altered. SQL> show con_name; CON_NAME ------------------------------ ORCLPDB SQL> show con_id; CON_ID ------------------------------ 3 SQL> select * from V$TABLESPACE; TS# NAME INC BIG FLA ENC CON_ID ---------- ------------------------..
69 - [Oracle 19C] to Create SYS user - example Login as sysdba show con_name /* CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT */ show user /* USER is "SYS" */ select * from session_privs; --and see the count /* ... 253 rows selected. */ show con_id; /* CON_ID ------------------------------ 1 */ select * from V$TABLESPACE where con_id=1 /* TS# NAME INC BIG FLA ENC CON_ID ---------- ------------------------------ --- --- --- --- ---------- ..
68 - [Oracle 19C] Administering User Security More About Users Account # More About Users Account Unique username Authentication method Default tablespace Temporary tablespace User profile Initial consumer group Account status More About Users accounts * Unique username: Usernames cannot exceed 30 bytes, cannot contain special characters, and must start with a letter. * Authentication method: The most common authentication method is a passw..
67 - [Oracle 19C] Common Roles show user; /* USER is "SYS" */ show con_name; /* CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT */ # all roles in root are common select * from dba_roles; /* */ # you can not create local role in the root CDB create role test_role ; /* Error starting at line : 17 in command - create role test_role Error report - ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name 65096. 00000 - "invalid common user or..
66 - [Oracle 19C] Common users and common privileges # connect as sys show con_name /* CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT */ # all users in root are common select * from dba_users; /* */ # you can not create local user in the root create user jane identified by jane; /* Error starting at line : 16 in command - create user jane identified by jane Error report - ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name 65096. 00000 - "invalid common..
65 - [Oracle 19C] Creating private roles examples conn as sysdba show con_name /* CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT */ alter session set container=orclpdb; /* Session altered. */ show con_name /* CON_NAME ------------------------------ ORCLPDB */ Create Role manager create role manager; /* Role MANAGER created. */ grant create table, create view, create sequence to manager; /* Grant succeeded. */ SQL> select * from role_sys_privs..